Motor Graders Equipped with Blade Electronic Depth and Slope Controls

Home Motor Graders Equipped with Blade Electronic Depth and Slope Controls

• Using a wire or other reference for blade depth control on one side, and slope angle control
for the other does not work very well in confined areas because most of these areas have
constant changes in short distances to maintain proper water drainage. A crew of workers
would be necessary to modify the grade reference continuously. The Motor Grader operator
would also be very busy making adjustments to the slope control.
• Using a laser in most cases works the same way as a wire and requires someone to be
constantly resetting or readjusting the laser beam to maintain an accurate reference to one or
both sides
of the blade or one side of the blade and the slope control by the Motor Grader Operator.
• Using a GPS System can work in confined areas providing the job site is correctly mapped
and the Motor Grader, equipped with GPS, receiver, computer, and the servo control system
for the blade. The job site mapping can be cost prohibitive. The GPS signal can be lost if the
MotorGrader is close to obstructions, buildings, or any other high obstacle, requiring the
Operator to switch back, & forth from GPS to manual operation, which is very difficult.
• Using a laser can work very well for a building pad where all of the surface is level, but a
problem may be material segregation.

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