Driving the tractor forward using the 3-point hitch elevation controls

Home Driving the tractor forward using the 3-point hitch elevation controls

• Finish grading requires the box scraper operator to make multiple passes moving the job site
material from high to low spots. Unless the site material is very fine (sandy or small
granular) material segregation will develop without using a substantial amount water. After
using the above method most often a large amount of hand labor will be required to bring the
finished grade to specification. Very few operators can attain the required skill level to
perform precision finish grading because of the difficulty in using a cantilever mounted
tractor Box Blade.
• Driving the tractor forward using the 3-point hitch elevation control and dragging the heal of
the box blade. The heal is the forward part of the rear box blade bit and can include a
horizontal stiffener plate between the two bits.
• Some degree of self-leveling can be achieved providing the surface is well compacted. This
technique will increase the job site material segregation by the blade disturbing and
picking up the larger size aggregate from the surface and then depositing this material at
some other place on the job site. Unless the site material is sand or fine granular the finishgraded
surface will be segregated. And often times it will need to be patch graded, or it will
be unsatisfactory for adding asphaltic concrete.
• Skip loaders with box blades can do a fair to good job preparing the grade if the material is of
a type from dirt or parent soil up to sandy or fine granular material. When the box blades are
used for aggregate material from 3/8” to 2” minus it does require an extremely skilled
operator with a lot of experience and a substantial amount of water to reduce segregation for
top quality grade preparation results.

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