Problems with Skid Steer Loaders:

Skid Steer Loaders are a better choice for finish grading in confined areas rather than SkipLoaders. However, for finish grading to specification, a very high skill level by the operator isstill necessary. Two types of skid steer loaders are being used for finish grading in confinedareas. One mounted on four rubber tires, and one mounted

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Driving the tractor forward using the 3-point hitch elevation controls

• Finish grading requires the box scraper operator to make multiple passes moving the job sitematerial from high to low spots. Unless the site material is very fine (sandy or smallgranular) material segregation will develop without using a substantial amount water. Afterusing the above method most often a large amount of hand labor will be

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Problems for Skip Loaders with Box Scrapers

Used as a Dozer by pushing material from high to low spots by backing the tractor andcontrolling the blade using the 3-point hitch elevation control.• Finish grading is almost impossible with this technique because the blade is cantilevered offof the rear of the tractor and requires the operator to know the elevation of the blade

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Motor Graders Equipped with Blade Electronic Depth and Slope Controls

• Using a wire or other reference for blade depth control on one side, and slope angle controlfor the other does not work very well in confined areas because most of these areas haveconstant changes in short distances to maintain proper water drainage. A crew of workerswould be necessary to modify the grade reference continuously.

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Performance based on the size of vehicle.

Large Motor Graders w/Tandem Drive Axles.These machines work well in large open areas without confinements, obstructions, or a lot ofgrade plane transitions. In this case, most likely a smaller grading machine will be required forfinishing the confined and grade transition change areas. Many of the trained and experiencedmachine operators for highways, roads, and streets, often

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Job Performance in Confined Areas

• A Motor Grader is difficult for an Operator to learn to do precision grading in confined areas,and can take months of training and experience. Some operators never develop the patiencefor this type of work.• The Operator cannot see the cutting edge of the blade bit and the buildup of material at thelower part of

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Transport to Job

Moving a Motor Grader Only will create a problem if material needs to be excavated or removedfrom the job site, thus most often requiring a loader to be transported to the job site. Conclusion: Two pieces required to be moved to the job site. The majority of the time thisrequires two operators. A Motor Grader

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Problems For Motor Graders Working Small Jobs and Large Parking Areas, with Curbs and Planters, Drive Ways Etc.

When an aggregate material is placed in an area, which will be set to a certain gradespecification, typically the grading operation requires material to be moved from high areas tolow areas, contrary to the inherent design of a motor grader, which is designed to move thematerial sideways. The JD Layton GradeMaker II Blade System moves

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Mcdonalds Parking Area Rough Grading in Preperation for 1-inch minus base rock

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Beaverton Street Subdivision Finish

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Newberg Apartment Complex Finish Parking Area

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Lowes Parking Lot


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Laser Set Up Dallas

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